daniel james
The Labor Party responsible for 40 plus Fathers committing suicide each week and an estimated 5000 children growing up fatherless each year. In 1973 Geoff Whitlam corpratised Australia in 1975 the satanic and barbaric star chamber was introduced under the guise of the family court now called the federal circuit and family court of Australia As a means to deny father's access to their children and extort them, Forcing fathers to pay child support whilst removing the child's rights to have a relationship with their father and Unconstitutionally and unlawfully removing farthers rights as per sec 51 ss203 of the constitution so the government do not have to pick up The welfare bill for mothers that choose not to work. As if 40 suicides a week Is not bad enough julia, Graham Perrett, penny wong, Katty Gallagher, mark Dreyfus, larissa water's are pushing to pass the Family Law amendment Which as admitted by mark Dreyfus will further force father's out of children's lives. The federal circuit and family court of Australia is deceptively being used to steal children from fathers by the bar Association (lawyers, barristers registrars, judges) under instructions of the labor government whilst the bar Association deliberately extort parties to proceedings. The federal circuit and family court of Australia was not lawfully established (see freedom of information on great Australia party website) the chief justices and judges are not lawfully sworn in, they are sworn to the bar, if a barrister or judge/registrar as well as to uphold the secret laws of the court, lawyers are also sworn to uphold the secret laws of the court, being the 12 presumptions of law.
Look up star chamber
corpus juris secundum volume 7 section 4
The canon's of law numbers 3224-3228 and 3241-3250 and the 12 presumptions of law.
We do not have a justice system an ex chief justice admitted it is a legal system for the benefit of those working within it. Lawyers have recently admitted the corrupt government/bar/star chamber business model is extorting father's to to the point they are committing suicide (check out rebel news interview with lawyer) also check out bettina arndt website where another lawyer admits 3rd party psychologist or child contact centre reports are also rigged to suit ulterior motives.
Mark Dreyfus and Kiama maher are attorney Generals defending the corrupt child and father abuse and extortion business model at a political level, they are sworn in members of the bar/court and also practising in the parliament to deflect facts and issues raised, this is also unconstitutional as there is no separation of powers.
The mainstream media is also a stakeholder in the bar Association hence we no longer hear of government/court corruption in the mainstream media, asic, the law society, the conduct commission are also corporate departments operated by bar members to defend and conseal government corruption. There is no independent regulatory body.